Deeniyat education and charitable trust is a charitable organization that has been trying to educate children, men and women on the fundamentals of Islam and moral education in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah since 2003.
This will not only help them to lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam but also help them to become good people who can benefit the whole of humanity.This will help them to be successful in this world and the hereafter as we all know that Allah has placed success only in following the teachings of Islam. Islam teaches us about faith and worship, it also teaches us about proper reasoning, pure lifestyle and good character thus helping a person to reach the zenith of goodness and chastity. Hence it is obligatory upon every Muslim to dedicate some time from his/her busy schedule to learn and understand the teachings of Islam. The best way to spread the teachings of Islam amongst the Muslim ummah is setting up an organized maktab, therefore it is the responsibility of every Islamic scholar, the custodians of masajid and people who are directly or indirectly involved in taking care of various Islamic organizations and institutions to work together and set up such organised makatib.Once these people start working on a collective level with a systematic approach towards establishing such organized makatib it will be much easier to spread the message of Allah and his prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to every nook and corner of the Islamic world which will make the world a better place to live in with the best people, people who help each other to be successful in this world and the hereafter.After 10 years of utmost dedication, effort and experience, Idaara e deeniyat has been successful in shaping a syllabus, a system, a way of teaching and proper monitoring/supervising techniques that are a mandate for every educational institution.